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Is crystalized honey safe to eat?

Views: 853

Yes! Glucose granulates (aka crystallizes) more easily than fructose so the rate of granulation depends on the concentration of glucose and fructose in the plants the honey came from. 

Raw honey may naturally crystallize since it’s a mixture of glucose, fructose sugars, and water (about 18%). 


Over time, the glucose and water will eventually separate to create crystals. To prevent crystallization from happening earlier than it naturally would, make sure to keep honey at room temperature and try to store your honey in glass, because it is less porous than plastic. Avoid storing raw honey in the refrigerator because that actually speeds up the crystallization process.


Crystallization is actually a sign that your honey is raw and unpasteurized! The only reason honey is pasteurized or heated to a certain temperature is to slow the crystallization process, but that actually takes all the good nutrients and vitamins out of your honey. 


So make sure to get raw honey if you want all the benefits. Whether honey is raw or pasteurized, however, the result is the same: pure honey (unadulterated, no added sweeteners or added glucose) won’t spoil.

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