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5 Health Advantages of Honey for Children Over 2

Honey is nature's sweetest gift to mankind. There is something magnificently magnetic about this sweet liquid form of gold that has attracted the attention of many since time immemorial. As a super food, it not only taste wonderful but also packs a punch when it comes to providing multitude health advantages to people across ages especially children.


While delicious, honey should never be given to children under 1 and it’s not recommended for children under 2 years old. Honey contains toxic bacteria that may cause infant botulism, a serious form of food poisoning that can end in death. There is also a risk of pollen allergies developed from honey. While this is scary, once your child is at least 2 there are plenty of health benefits that make honey a staple in any kitchen.


Honey is rich in antioxidants, flavonoids, minerals, vitamins and other essential nutrients and antiseptics and antibacterial properties. Honey is one power food you can safely rely on when everything else fails. 

honey benefits for children

Here are 5 unique health advantages of honey for kids.

1. It Gives Kids Long Lasting Energy 

Honey is primarily made of three types of sugar: sucrose, glucose, and fructose. Each of these sugars is used by our bodies differently—sucrose and glucose are digested quickly and cause a spike in blood sugar. Fructose in honey, however, remains in the system longer and gives your kids steady energy. This way, they’re alert but not bouncing off the walls like they are with other sugary snacks.


Honey is an excellent source of energy that helps strengthen your child's immunity by providing your child with essential vitamins and minerals, such as, niacin, vitamin B6, and riboflavin. The powerful antioxidants present in honey also help boost energy levels in your body and strengthen the immune system. 


2. It Contains Needed Vitamins and Minerals

There aren’t many ingredients in a bottle of honey, but it's packed full of needed vitamins and minerals that will benefit your growing children. Honey also contains amino acids that help your kids grow and develop. 


Honey for children is not only good because of its medicinal and other benefits but also because it happens to be a natural source of multivitamins that are essential for a child of growing age. 


As a rich reservoir of essential nutrients and vitamins, a daily dose of honey can easily cover up the requirements of multivitamins, the developing bones, muscles and body of your child would have. 


3. It Protects their Liver from Damage

Honey acts as a shield for the liver against certain diseases and damage. It is proven to decrease the side effects of paracetamol doses, which can induce liver damage. Paracetamol is found in common pain relievers such as Tylenol and Panadol. If your child is sick, a spoonful of honey will help the medicine go down and protect them from harm.  


4. It Helps Wounds Heal Faster

As unusual as that sounds, applying honey to your kid's scrapes and cuts will help them heal faster. Recent findings have shown notable healing effects of honey in comparison to wounds not treated. Honey speeds up the healing process and can help soothe the irritated skin.


Health advantages of honey for children also include helping in healing wounds caused due to an abrasion, burn or cut. The therapeutic qualities of honey and its rich antibacterial and antifungal properties help an infected wound to heal properly and in an orderly fashion. In case your child comes home with a cut or a wound, just wash it properly with water and squirt a small drop of honey on the affected area. Rub it gently and if the cut is deep, apply bandage to it. 


5. It Calms Down Coughs

Honey acts as a soothing agent on your child’s sore and irritated throat, silencing their cough. A spoonful of honey will also help if your child has difficulty swallowing because of a sore throat.


Despite its sweet nature, honey can really pack a healthy punch! Including a serving of honey into your child’s diet can make them not only healthier, but also feel better. With recipes that include honey, your family will never bee disappointed.


You should always consult with your physician or other health care professional before taking any nutritional, herbal remedies or adopting any health advice, whether offered on the Site or otherwise.

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